Tuesday, November 30, 2010

BREAKING NEWS: Rachel Carson kills millions!

300 million cases of malaria occur GLOBALLY each year. 90% of these cases (resulting in death) occur in Africa, mostly in children. DDT, dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane, was used as an insecticide to control malaria and other insect-causing diseases during WWII and beyond. Eventually, DDT was banned due to numerous side effects on humans and animals, and mostly the disastrous effects it had on our beautiful earth. DDT, along with many other insecticides were banned because of an environmental movement that was started by Rachel Carson and her book, Silent Spring. Since DDT was banned, malaria has been a leading disease burden throughout Africa. No longer can malaria be ceased, but it continues on it's killing rampage in a country lacking infrastructure and other vital resources to put this disease to an end, permanently.

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